Saturday, August 18, 2007

Disappointments and Mistakes!

Well, I finished hand stitching the bodice lining on the bodice of the strawberry dress...and when I tried it on, the bodice didn't hang correctly. Turns out that I stitched the bottom edge of the bodice down too low, making the lining hang taut, while the shell puckers. So now I have to remove all those hand stitches and re-pin the lining while wearing it. It's only a couple of (hundred) stitches....*SOB*.


Also, instead of a lapped zipper at the back I installed a centered zipper. I use this method pretty much every time I install a zipper because it's so much easier. Well, while removing the basting stitches I tore the fabric with my seam ripper *double SOB* so I had to darn it. It's not really noticeable but it still bugs the ever-lovin' sh*t outta me.

After those two rather egregious mistakes I was ready to fling the dress into the trash...but I am going to try to salvage it. None of the mistakes or anything that are going to be particularly noticeable in the end, but to me it's a big deal!

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